MBS School Financials .NET
Corporate Accounting & Fee Automation for Schools & Colleges

Corporate Accounting & Fee Automation for Schools & Colleges
MBS School Financials .NET a module within core structure of MBS ERP, simplifies student fee and finance management for schools. It streamlines student profiles, chart of accounts, fee challan & collection alongwith other banking and managerial transactions. Offering essential tools like fee vouchers, receipts / payments and financial statements, it ensures compliance with accounting standards. With real-time insights and a comprehensive view of financial health, it empowers smarter and data- driven decisions for school/college growth.
Builtin Modules
- Multi-Level Chart of Accounts
- Student Profiling by Shift, Class, Section
- Student Fee Management
- Periodic Financial Statements
- Auto Class Upgradation
Unique Features in MBS School Financials .NET
- Developed using VS.Net with MS-Access/MS-SQL DB and SAP Crystal Reports
- Modern ribbon-style navigation pane, inspired by MS-Office
- Tabbed multitasking with concurrent opening capabilities.
- Optimized for speed in multi-user environments, managed by administrators.
- Exportable reports in Excel (data/formatted), Word, PDF, and more.
- Supports a multi-company environment with add-on functionality etc.

Find out how you could use our solution to automate
your business processes

If you are keen to computerize your business, you must consult our experts for the smooth digital transformation.
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